alumni join the community within 3 months
higher email click rate
jobs posted by alumni within the network
Thomas Aquinas College is a small Roman Catholic liberals arts college in Santa Paula, California. With only one bachelor’s degree to offer, the college has over 3000+ alumni.
While the college has been leveraging a Facebook page to stay connected with their alumni, they could not keep up with them – be it their contact information, their interests or even engaging them in a campaign.
Data entry into Raiser’s Edge was also a manual process. With no streamlined or automatic way to keep the alumni database updated, the activity took up the majority of the team’s time.
Thomas Aquinas College used printed, hardbound directories to maintain their alumni information. But to continually change alumni data – particularly their contact details, as they change jobs and cities, in print, can be a tedious process.
With the digital interaction limited to Facebook only, the college was losing out on keeping their members engaged. Essential updates like those on events, charitable solicitation for giving day campaigns, etc., would get lost in the volume and sometimes not even reach their alumni on time.
Event planning was a time-consuming process due to various reasons. The team had to rely on the IT teams to create web pages, manage RSVPs manually and handle multiple communication channels to reach their alumni.
With Almabase, Thomas Aquinas College moved their alumni database to one digital platform. The software let the team create an exclusive online alumni community, which saw a 25% rise in the alumni sign-ups and higher participation rates in the following events.
The Thomas Aquinas College alumni community saw 25% of their alumni sign up in the first three months. With the number still increasing, the community now serves as an up-to-date directory, consisting of all the essential information related to alumni.
The seamless integration with Almabase enables the team to update their alumni database continually. The integration helps pull in data from previous alumni engagement, social media, contact details provided by them at events, and brings them together in an up-to-date directory.
The integrated communications tool gives Thomas Aquinas College the flexibility to create dynamic groups for strategic outreach. They can then capture the engagement across different profile segments of their alumni, and personalize their messages further.
The platform enables Thomas Aquinas College to plan their alumni events effectively. Right from managing the RSVPs to integrating payment gateways for ticket collection, the event planning module takes care of it all.
In fact, the institute also found it easy to manage event check-ins. They used the Almabase web app to identify no-shows and on-spot registrations. (Read more)
Thomas Aquinas College prayer requests are an essential part of their alumni engagement. The content management system enables them to quickly set up these requests, without the help of developers.