LLUSM gets 3x higher alumni participation online

Almabase enabled LLUSM to leverage the power of digital engagement for fundraising success. They did not just see a higher participation rate by the alumni engaged online, but also an increase in the average donation amount.


higher participation rate by alumni engaged online


increase in the average amount donated by alumni engaged online


alumni join the community within 1 year

William Peace University grand welcome to the Class of 2020 virtually with Almabase


Loma Linda School of Medicine is a 113 years old medical school based in Loma Linda, CA. Despite a massive network of alumni from the school, they were not able to keep them engaged due to the lack of an online community.

Challenges In Alumni Engagement

Ineffective alumni engagement online

Even after trying to keep their alumni engaged on social media channels, Loma Linda School of Medicine could not digitally engage their alumni with meaningful conversations.

Lower alumni participation rates

Irrespective of the cause or interest they were addressing, Loma Linda School of Medicine consistently saw a lower alumni participation rate as compared to other schools.

Lower alumni donation amounts

Loma Linda School of Medicine could not get their alumni to donate amounts as per their financial capacity, making their fundraising events not as effective.


With Almabase, Loma Linda School of Medicine was successfully able to move their alumni community online, and get 25% of their contactable alumni database to sign up within a year. The school experienced an increase in both alumni participation rate, as well as the average amounts being donated by those engaged online.

“I really love working with the Almabase team. The platform is continually improving and the team is looking at ways to help our alumni community thrive.”
Calvin Chuang, llusm-gets-3x-higher-alumni-participation-online

Up-to-date Digital Alumni Directory  

Using Almabase, LLUSM launched their online alumni community in less than a week. They saw 25% of their contactable database automatically sign up on the platform in the first year, and the number continues to grow today. The community also serves as an up-to-date alumni directory. (See it here)

LLUSM gets 3x higher alumni participation online

Higher Online Alumni Participation Rate

With a higher number of sign-ups, LLUSM was able to engage their alumni better. The alumni who signed up on the community reflected 23.06% participation, as compared to 7.66% by those who had not registered. This alumni behavior got LLUSM 3X higher participation rate in events and campaigns

LLUSM gets 3x higher alumni participation online

Increased Average Alumni Donation

With better alumni engagement, LLUSM also saw an exponential increase in their average alumni donation. The average amount of contribution by alumnus registered on their online community ($2255.57) was found to be more than twice the average amount donated by the alumnus who hadn’t registered on the platform ($1124.3027).

Better alumni membership benefits

Loma Linda School of Medicine was able to provide tiered membership benefits to its alumni. It also became their primary channel for collecting membership dues, making the process easier for both the alumnus and the advancement team.

LLUSM gets 3x higher alumni participation online

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