How Mercy High School Burlingame keeps its Raiser's Edge database updated automatically

With 8000 alumni across 80 years, Mercy High School Burlingame found it challenging to keep track of all its alumni. While the school was gathering updates from alumni at events, that was insufficient to keep the database updated. The institution was then able to utilize Almabase’s ability to pull alumni contact information from LinkedIn and Facebook and update it seamlessly on Raiser’s Edge to create a completely automated process. Mercy High School achieved the following results just within the first quarter of 2019:


alumni activated their Almabase accounts


contactable alumni

William Peace University grand welcome to the Class of 2020 virtually with Almabase
The result of this process is that the school now has 95% contactable alumni records

About Mercy High School, Burlingame

Founded by the Sisters of Mercy in 1931, Mercy High School is a private all-girls high school in Burlingame, California, United States. The institution is driven by a clear mission: to provide a rigorous, Catholic education that prepares young women to lead with compassion and strive for excellence. Since its founding, more than 8,000 young women have graduated from Mercy with a powerful sense of self that provides a foundation for effective action and leadership in their communities.

What challenges did  Mercy High School Burlingame face?

Keeping track of their alumni

For the Alumni Relations team at Mercy High School, keeping track of their  8000+ alumni who graduated over several decades was a big challenge. While the school was gathering alumni information at events, it wasn’t enough to keep its alumni database updated.

The tedious effort involved in keeping Raiser’s Edge updated

The process of manually keying in every alumni update into their database was time taking. If this time could otherwise be utilized in high-value work, it would greatly improve Mercy High School’s productivity.

Inaccurate data/high risk of error

Since the process in place involved manually updating data on a regular basis, the challenge of keeping it error-free was constantly faced by Mercy High School.

What did  Mercy High School Burlingame achieve after implementing Almabase?

Updated alumni database

Alumni information automatically gets captured from Facebook and LinkedIn during the registration process and then gets updated within the school’s database. Within the first quarter of 2019, Mercy High School was able to successfully get over 30% of its alumni registered on the alumni platform.

95% contactable alumni records
30% registered alumni
Each alumni record gets automatically updated within the school's database

Automated process of updating alumni data as a result of RE NXT integration

With Almabase effortlessly syncing with the school’s Raiser’s Edge database, Mercy High School’s data update process has been transformed. The process of updating data is now automated and mapping is done using unique database IDs. Mercy High School is now able to reduce the scope of errors, reduce time spent on database updates and instead direct their attention towards more high-value work. Here’s how Almabase connects with Raiser’s Edge NXT.

Almabase integration with RE NXT automates the whole process of updating data

Efficient tracking

With the school staff receiving daily reports of records that got updated and synced, keeping track of records has become much more efficient for Mercy High School.

Almabase's data studio helps Mercy High School keep track of its alumni records and track engagement

Mercy High School continues to keep its alumni database up-to-date with Almabase. You can see their alumni community here.

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