K-12 Schools

The Woodlands Christian Academy

The Woodlands Christian Academy

July 11, 2024

For this edition of Almabase Spotlights featuring K-12 Institutions, we shine the spotlight on The Woodlands Christian Academy, and how they broadcast their sporting events virtually to keep their alumni’s athletic fervor alive during the pandemic.

How broadcasting sporting events raised funds and brought the community together

Sporting events are perhaps one of the most memorable events of a student’s schooling years. However, the pandemic put a dent on in-person attendance to a majority of sporting events in institutions across the world, and The Woodlands Christian Academy was no exception. As a precaution, TWCA restricted students and alumni from showing up to live matches and supporting their Warriors. However, TWCA's teams were keen on performing in front of a live audience, especially since many students were in their final year at school.

One of VYPE’s videos on YouTube featuring a few members of TWCA's Baseball team

TWCA enlisted the services of VYPE USA to broadcast live matches on Facebook and YouTube. The broadcasts came with live commentary and had their own promotions on social media, which helped them garner incredible support from their alumni community. Broadcasting sporting events was also an invaluable source of revenue for Woodlands Christian, as sponsors could support every match by advertising their brand. Furthermore, the professional aesthetic that VYPE brought to high-school sporting events made the experience more exhilarating for those tuning in from around the world. We loved how TWCA's sporting events brought their community together once again to show off their mutual support, just like old times. 💚

VYPE’s Men’s Basketball player of the year was a Warrior from TWCA

🌟Our Source for Inspiration

Rachel Ray currently serves as the Assistant Director Of Development at The Woodlands Christian Academy. Prior to serving as the Assistant Director of Development, Rachel was the Alumni and Events Coordinator at TWCA.

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Virtual Engagement
Fundraising and Donor Relations
Mentorship and Networking
Special Events
Alumni Engagement