Private Universities

University of the Ozarks

University of the Ozarks

July 11, 2024

For this edition of Almabase Spotlights featuring Liberal Arts Colleges, we shine the spotlight on the University of the Ozarks and their initiative to merge alumni weekend, family weekend and homecoming into a week full of virtual events - the Homecoming 2020.

💡 A 3-in-1 Idea that led to a memorable week of Homecoming

Alumni weekend, family weekend and homecoming are three events that hold a special significance at the University of the Ozarks. However, alike most institutions, the only medium of engagement functional after the pandemic was virtual - and the Alumni Board Association knew how to make the most out of it. Homecoming 2020 was an amalgamation of virtual events that truly carried the essence of all the three major events that are celebrated at the University, making it the iconic event it promised to be.

🏠 The Homecoming 2020

For the international alumni community at the University of the Ozarks, the Homecoming 2020 was an opportunity to reconnect with their alma mater, which they did with great enthusiasm. Events like Virtual Campus Tours, Spirits Wars Launch, Virtual Bingo and Ozarks Reunion witnessed huge participation from their international alumni from different time zones. What is remarkable is that many of these alumni had to join the events after midnight to participate - which they did, to make sure they were a part of this celebration. The University also hosted ‘Ozarks Speaks’, an initiative that featured alumni experiences and facilitated interaction with peers and students.

To top off these interactive events, there were events like the Virtual Ozarks Homecoming Item Hunt and the Virtual 5K run, where winners were awarded with Ozarks gears and merchandise. The Homecoming 2020 drove great participation from the alumni as well as the current students, and upheld the rich history of the University - truly connecting the past and the present.

Our Source of Inspiration

Justin McCormick is the Associate Director of Alumni Relations at University of the Ozarks. With over a decade of diverse experience, Justin has dedicated his career to education and event management. His experiences heavily focus on student leadership, community outreach, customer satisfaction and creating innovative ideas for present and future programs for the University.

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Virtual Engagement
Fundraising and Donor Relations
Mentorship and Networking
Special Events
Alumni Engagement