
4 Marketing Strategies University Fundraisers Need to Know

4 Marketing Strategies University Fundraisers Need to Know




May 12, 2020

Last modified: 

July 23, 2024

As part of the higher education sector, your university likely depends on social campaigns like peer-to-peer fundraising and crowdfunding to fund its projects and initiatives. ‍While these campaigns have the potential for a wide reach, they require effective promotion to maximize alumni support.

How can you retain alumni support long after they receive their diplomas? Let’s explore the top marketing practices your university should employ when planning your outreach strategy.

1. Actively promote matching gifts

Your alumni may be eager to support your university, but many are unaware of the opportunities available to help them maximize their contributions—namely, matching gifts.

Matching gifts are a type of corporate social responsibility initiative wherein businesses match donations made by their employees. Double the Donation defines corporate social responsibility as “a company’s efforts to improve society” in a multitude of ways, from directly donating to supporting employee giving. Matching gifts combine both of these efforts and represent a major revenue opportunity for universities.

Identify match-eligible alumni by looking into your existing donor base. Specifically, take a look at your alumni and major donors who represent your largest match opportunities. Then, secure matching gifts from alumni by promoting the opportunity to match-eligible individuals through:

  • Educational resources for your donors
  • A matching gift page on your website
  • A matching gift database that conducts automatic email follow-ups to remind donors to submit matching gift requests

As you solicit matched gifts, maintain an open line of communication with major employers who offer matches. Periodically review their policies and ask them to notify you if any changes are made to their matching gift program. Both universities and donors should stay on top of employers’ match guidelines to avoid missing out on matching gift revenue.

2. Market on multiple communication channels

Communication is the foundation of a successful fundraising campaign. While some approaches are more effective than others, the best results come from incorporating multiple channels—especially for larger donor bases.

There are two types of marketing your university can leverage, and each type has a plethora of channels you can use to spread the word about your campaigns:

A list of inbound and outbound marketing channels, explained in the text below
  • Inbound marketing is a method of targeted advertising that involves attracting potential supporters based on their interests in your cause. Inbound marketing includes:
    • Search engine optimization (SEO): Revamp your website to rank more highly on search engine results pages for keywords related to your cause.
    • Blogs: Write educational blog content that attracts alumni to your website and inspires them to give.
    • Videos: Create compelling videos that showcase your university’s accomplishments and drive viewers to support your work.
    • Podcasts: Invite faculty and industry experts to discuss relevant topics in a podcast to establish your institution as a thought leader.
    • Organic social media posts: Share original, unsponsored content on your social media channels to keep your school top of mind for alumni who follow you.
  • Outbound marketing is a broader advertising strategy that focuses on reaching a wide audience through channels such as:
    • Pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns: Use search engine advertising, like Google Ads, to get your website in front of as many eyes as possible.
    • Direct mail campaigns: Send engaging flyers to a large mailing list to appeal to those who respond more positively to traditional direct mail.
    • TV commercials: Create a TV commercial promoting your university and directing viewers to your website. Incorporate QR codes to simplify access to your website without interrupting their watching.
    • Newspaper ads: Place an advertisement in your local newspaper to capture the attention of community members who may not otherwise hear from your school.
    • Social media ads: Boost your social media posts with paid advertisements so your content appears not just to your existing followers, but in the feed of any user who might engage with the post.

Remember, communication is a two-way street. You won’t just want to send messages to alumni, but to stay in touch with them over time. Ensure that alumni and any volunteer fundraisers feel free to voice their feedback or concerns.

Almabase modern day fundraising

3. Leverage nonprofit storytelling

Effective communication is about more than just an open line of communication—it’s about powerful storytelling, too. Stories encourage alumni to form stronger connections with your university’s mission, students, and impact.

As part of your marketing approach, implement the following storytelling strategies into your content:

  • Use powerful imagery. Visual elements like photo galleries or clear infographics quickly capture your audience’s attention.
  • Incorporate quotes and testimonials. Let your students and faculty do the talking by incorporating their direct quotes into your content. This will be especially effective for reaching alumni with personal connections to those individuals, such as the former student of a featured professor.
  • State campaign goals. Explaining exactly what your university needs and how a donor’s contribution will be used draws a direct connection between the supporter and your work.

Storytelling and powerful imagery compel users to share content with their networks, so it’s crucial that you make your storytelling components shareable. For example, you might place a “Share” button next to the content on your alumni website that makes it easy for viewers to repost an article or video to their social media channels.

4. Link to your fundraising page

In all your digital marketing materials, make it easy for viewers to take action by directing them to your donation page. Make the most of clear calls to action, prominent buttons, and QR codes across all the channels you use. To ensure shareability, use an effective social campaigning platform and the right social media platforms.

Additionally, when alumni land on your fundraising page, they should be able to take action easily. Check to ensure your donation form can be quickly completed and doesn’t require any unnecessary steps. With a compelling marketing strategy and simple form, your university can seamlessly convert alumni into dedicated supporters.

Now that you know the best marketing practices, share this information with your fundraising team, and plan your best campaign yet! Then, as donations start to roll in, be sure to show your appreciation for donors’ support and continue to engage them by offering additional involvement opportunities. The more active your donors are in your university’s activities, the more likely they’ll be to continue their support.

About the author

Adam Weinger is the President of Double the Donation, the leading provider of tools to nonprofits to help them raise more money from corporate matching gift and volunteer grant programs.

Double the Donation's robust solution, 360MatchPro, provides nonprofits with automated tools to identify match-eligible donors, drive matches to completion, and gain actionable insights. 360MatchPro integrates directly into donation forms, CRMs, social fundraising software, and other nonprofit technology solutions to capture employment information and follow up appropriately with donors about matching gifts.

As part of the higher education sector, your university likely depends on social campaigns like peer-to-peer fundraising and crowdfunding to fund its projects and initiatives. ‍While these campaigns have the potential for a wide reach, they require effective promotion to maximize alumni support.

How can you retain alumni support long after they receive their diplomas? Let’s explore the top marketing practices your university should employ when planning your outreach strategy.

1. Actively promote matching gifts

Your alumni may be eager to support your university, but many are unaware of the opportunities available to help them maximize their contributions—namely, matching gifts.

Matching gifts are a type of corporate social responsibility initiative wherein businesses match donations made by their employees. Double the Donation defines corporate social responsibility as “a company’s efforts to improve society” in a multitude of ways, from directly donating to supporting employee giving. Matching gifts combine both of these efforts and represent a major revenue opportunity for universities.

Identify match-eligible alumni by looking into your existing donor base. Specifically, take a look at your alumni and major donors who represent your largest match opportunities. Then, secure matching gifts from alumni by promoting the opportunity to match-eligible individuals through:

  • Educational resources for your donors
  • A matching gift page on your website
  • A matching gift database that conducts automatic email follow-ups to remind donors to submit matching gift requests

As you solicit matched gifts, maintain an open line of communication with major employers who offer matches. Periodically review their policies and ask them to notify you if any changes are made to their matching gift program. Both universities and donors should stay on top of employers’ match guidelines to avoid missing out on matching gift revenue.

2. Market on multiple communication channels

Communication is the foundation of a successful fundraising campaign. While some approaches are more effective than others, the best results come from incorporating multiple channels—especially for larger donor bases.

There are two types of marketing your university can leverage, and each type has a plethora of channels you can use to spread the word about your campaigns:

A list of inbound and outbound marketing channels, explained in the text below
  • Inbound marketing is a method of targeted advertising that involves attracting potential supporters based on their interests in your cause. Inbound marketing includes:
    • Search engine optimization (SEO): Revamp your website to rank more highly on search engine results pages for keywords related to your cause.
    • Blogs: Write educational blog content that attracts alumni to your website and inspires them to give.
    • Videos: Create compelling videos that showcase your university’s accomplishments and drive viewers to support your work.
    • Podcasts: Invite faculty and industry experts to discuss relevant topics in a podcast to establish your institution as a thought leader.
    • Organic social media posts: Share original, unsponsored content on your social media channels to keep your school top of mind for alumni who follow you.
  • Outbound marketing is a broader advertising strategy that focuses on reaching a wide audience through channels such as:
    • Pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns: Use search engine advertising, like Google Ads, to get your website in front of as many eyes as possible.
    • Direct mail campaigns: Send engaging flyers to a large mailing list to appeal to those who respond more positively to traditional direct mail.
    • TV commercials: Create a TV commercial promoting your university and directing viewers to your website. Incorporate QR codes to simplify access to your website without interrupting their watching.
    • Newspaper ads: Place an advertisement in your local newspaper to capture the attention of community members who may not otherwise hear from your school.
    • Social media ads: Boost your social media posts with paid advertisements so your content appears not just to your existing followers, but in the feed of any user who might engage with the post.

Remember, communication is a two-way street. You won’t just want to send messages to alumni, but to stay in touch with them over time. Ensure that alumni and any volunteer fundraisers feel free to voice their feedback or concerns.

Almabase modern day fundraising

3. Leverage nonprofit storytelling

Effective communication is about more than just an open line of communication—it’s about powerful storytelling, too. Stories encourage alumni to form stronger connections with your university’s mission, students, and impact.

As part of your marketing approach, implement the following storytelling strategies into your content:

  • Use powerful imagery. Visual elements like photo galleries or clear infographics quickly capture your audience’s attention.
  • Incorporate quotes and testimonials. Let your students and faculty do the talking by incorporating their direct quotes into your content. This will be especially effective for reaching alumni with personal connections to those individuals, such as the former student of a featured professor.
  • State campaign goals. Explaining exactly what your university needs and how a donor’s contribution will be used draws a direct connection between the supporter and your work.

Storytelling and powerful imagery compel users to share content with their networks, so it’s crucial that you make your storytelling components shareable. For example, you might place a “Share” button next to the content on your alumni website that makes it easy for viewers to repost an article or video to their social media channels.

4. Link to your fundraising page

In all your digital marketing materials, make it easy for viewers to take action by directing them to your donation page. Make the most of clear calls to action, prominent buttons, and QR codes across all the channels you use. To ensure shareability, use an effective social campaigning platform and the right social media platforms.

Additionally, when alumni land on your fundraising page, they should be able to take action easily. Check to ensure your donation form can be quickly completed and doesn’t require any unnecessary steps. With a compelling marketing strategy and simple form, your university can seamlessly convert alumni into dedicated supporters.

Now that you know the best marketing practices, share this information with your fundraising team, and plan your best campaign yet! Then, as donations start to roll in, be sure to show your appreciation for donors’ support and continue to engage them by offering additional involvement opportunities. The more active your donors are in your university’s activities, the more likely they’ll be to continue their support.

About the author

Adam Weinger is the President of Double the Donation, the leading provider of tools to nonprofits to help them raise more money from corporate matching gift and volunteer grant programs.

Double the Donation's robust solution, 360MatchPro, provides nonprofits with automated tools to identify match-eligible donors, drive matches to completion, and gain actionable insights. 360MatchPro integrates directly into donation forms, CRMs, social fundraising software, and other nonprofit technology solutions to capture employment information and follow up appropriately with donors about matching gifts.

Blackbaud, the leading provider of software for powering social impact, and Almabase, the digital-first alumni engagement solution, have announced the expansion of their partnership to the education sectors of Canada and the United Kingdom. The partnership will provide institutions with a modern, digital-first solution to improve constituent data, drive self-serve engagement, and boost event participation.

A Unified Vision

The partnership aligns with Blackbaud’s commitment to customer-centric innovation across digital engagement, Advancement CRM, and financials.

“Partners bring integrated capabilities that extend capabilities and outcomes for Blackbaud customers. We are thrilled that Almabase’s offering, integrated with Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT® and leveraging Blackbaud’s best-in-class payment solution, Blackbaud Merchant Services™, is now available to even more of our customers around the world.”

- Liz Price, Sr. Director of Global Partners at Blackbaud

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